The Story
Sprout is a casual, sun-filled, puzzle-adventure. Originally designed by Jeff Nusz, written in Flash, and published on the web – Sprout was threatened with oblivion by the upcoming end of Flash. Horrors!
Being lovers of puzzles, plants, and adventure, we at Mindful Mammoth volunteered to rebuild the game in Unity, and give it a new lease on life for a new generation of players. It is now available for free! Get it for Windows or OSX via Steam or Itch. Or for mobile/tablet devices via Google Play or the Apple App Store.
The Game
You feel gentle a thump as you land in the warm tropical sand. Who are you? Who do you want to be? Something in your heart whispers of shade, majesty, and acorns. What does this mean?
Your mother waves to the east. On the far side of the ocean is a world! Plants and animals! Mountains and valleys! Birds and flowers and a forest of mighty oaks. Yes! You know that this is who and what you are meant to be: an oak.
Your parents can’t teach you how to be an oak. The only one who can teach you how to be an oak is another oak. Still, your parents teach you what they can – the way of the coconut. This will give you the ability to cross to the mainland, and be one step closer to your goal. It’s not much, but it’s a start!
In Sprout, you will embark on a casual, botanical-puzzle-adventure. You will make friends, learn new skills, solve puzzles, and ultimately become the mighty oak that you were always meant to be. Give it a whirl.